Selalu ada yang Kamu pikir milikmu, padahal bukan. Cobalah sejenak duduk, ngopi, dan hitunglah berkat/berkah-Nya.
There is always something that you think is yours, but it's not, Try for a moment to sit, have a coffee, and count the blessings from Him.
Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018
Senin, 24 September 2018
Semua Makhluk pasti akan menjadi bangkai & musnah. Jadi apa yang perlu dibanggakan/disombongkan ?
All things definitely be dead & rotten. So, what should we be proud of ?
All things definitely be dead & rotten. So, what should we be proud of ?
Minggu, 23 September 2018
Wanita, makhluk yang seharunya dihargai dan disayangi/dicintai sepenuh hati
Bukannya di hianati dan disakiti.
Women, the creatures who should be appreciated and loved wholeheartedly. Not to be betrayed and hurt.
Bukannya di hianati dan disakiti.
Women, the creatures who should be appreciated and loved wholeheartedly. Not to be betrayed and hurt.
Minggu, 17 Juni 2018
Seseorang yang selalu belajar, bukan berarti seseorang tersebut bodoh, melainkan seseorang tersebut menyadari, bahwasannya seseorang tersebut masih jauh dari kesempurnaan.
A person who always learns, doesn't mean someone is stupid, but someone is aware, that someone is still far from perfection.
A person who always learns, doesn't mean someone is stupid, but someone is aware, that someone is still far from perfection.
Rabu, 21 Maret 2018
Bolehlah, untuk sesekali Kalian melihat keatas hanya sekedar untuk penyemangat, sisanya lihatlah selalu kebawah, agar Kalian terus selalu bersyukur.
It's okay, for once in a while you guys look up, just for the encouragement, the rest, always look down, so you guys, are always keep going grateful.
It's okay, for once in a while you guys look up, just for the encouragement, the rest, always look down, so you guys, are always keep going grateful.
Minggu, 14 Januari 2018
Akhlak Dan Pendidikan
Cara bicaramu, menandakan baik atau buruknya, akhlakmu dan pendidikanmu.
Your speak, signify good or bad of your morals and your education.
Your speak, signify good or bad of your morals and your education.
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